My Experiences

Help Seeking Data in Education Research

I've conducted research on help-seeking patterns in introductory computer science Java and MATLAB courses through Python scripting and data frames. I utilized statistical tests and created visual representations to identify the trends in student's help-seeking behaviors.

Climate Solutions Collaborative Website

I developed a website to showcase sustainability and climate initiatives at NCSU, and increase collaborations for a greater sustainability culture. I compiled a directory of engaged faculty and created network maps through Gephi to visualize connections and observe trends over time.


Current: AI Customer Support

Developed a real-time chat interface using Next.js and MUI and OpenAI API to provide support for user queries. It includes implementing RAG for dynamic responses, and orchestrating LLMs with a router to handle tasks with specialized models.

Inventory Management

This project involved building a website using Next.js, Material-UI, and Firebase Firestore. It features functionalities for adding and removing items, categorizing items, viewing and editing detailed information, and searching items.

Library Database

The project involved building a lightweight SQL-like database in C for managing library data. It includes implementing CRUD operations and simulating database queries using natural language input.

Gomoku/Renju Game

A C-based program that allows two players to play a game of placing black or white stones to connect five in a row. It checks for forbidden moves in the Renju variant and supports saving and replaying the game state.

Base Operations Calculator

A C program that evaluates arithmetic expressions in various numeric bases. The program includes three versions: infix_10 for base 10, infix_32 for base 32, and infix_n for user-specified bases from 1 to 32.

Social Media Manager

A system coded in Java designed to efficiently manage and sort social media connections using advanced data structures, leveraging the MVC pattern and Singleton design.

System Test Plan

A Java application designed for managing system test plans and cases, using MVC architecture to handle test data, file I/O, and user interactions efficiently.

Product Backlog

A Java-based project management system that uses a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to manage product and task information within a project management environment.

Pack Scheduler

A Java-based course registration platform that allows students to register for courses, manage their schedules, and handle enrollment caps and waitlists, ensuring a streamlined and efficient course selection process.

Color Break

A Java-based ball game featuring a platform that moves horizontally, allowing players to bounce a ball to break all colored boxes positioned above. The game utilizes a GUI for a visually engaging experience.

Light the Way

An educational computer game on scratch for students aged 11-14 that introduces fundamental concepts of light through mini-lessons followed by puzzle-style level, offering an engaging and interactive experience.

Just some fun pictures!